Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mysterious highschool folks come out of the past!

Man, yesterday I got an email from that bothersome place saying that some lady was looking for me. You know you gotta check it out. And what I found out was that I could buy a video professor html lesson for $7 and have a years usage of the site. I did and man did the flood gates open. A couple dozen folks that went to HS with me were looking for a connection. Not anybody I was close to but I knew of them ( I went to a small HS there were less than 100 graduates). I left HS and never looked back. I hadn't talked to anybody since '72. It was really nice to get in touch with this lady that I had no real connections with other than being in the same school with her. She is a looker too. Then and now. So what do you do? Say forget it and just go on with your life or open up and remeet these folks? I choose the latter. I always look for some small connection that I can establish with folks that puts us on the same plane for a time and lets us talk about what it is that we've experienced, learned and hoped about. Whats it all about? Me remeeting folks I didn't really know and won't really know. I think its about kindness and compassion. Lets talk and we'll see what it is that falls on the floor. That way I can find a little more mystery in life and probably just be amazed at how this great medium of internet is bringing folks up close for a spell for whatever reason and amazes me once again. I love it.

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