Saturday, February 28, 2009

Rights and Property?

Well here it is nearly March. The economy is in the crapper and I think this country is about to flip its capitalistic wig. I can't believe that a majority of people want to allow someone other than themselves determine the outcome of their lives. Whatever the outcome I want as much say as I can muster over where and what I choose to do and what I choose to do with whats mine.
I also don't believe that people really understand what property is. I think they believe its something that is a yard or a physical thing. And of course its that but it is also my skills and my intelligence. The other day I was emailing a friend and she commented that "healthcare is a right". I was incredulous. How can somebodys skill be a right to someone else. That would be like saying "car care is a right". I think that all mechanics would protest that.
I think we need to define rights and property. I think that we need as a country to define what and who has rights to my property besides me. It sounds to much like "to them according to their needs from them according to their abilities". Or some such foolishness. If its not foolishness then who will determine how much, when the needs and whose abilities.
In "Atlas Shrugged" the creative folks got tired of those that used them for the purpose of solidifying their power. Tearing down what is created through envy and hate instead of praising the creative and learning from them to empower the individual. Nobody thanks the rich for what they do. They are vilified because of their wealth as if they were born into it or cheated poor folk to get what they have. They pay the bulk of taxes and its never enough. Well, maybe now it might be. Lets not kill the goose that layed the golden egg. Lets nurture and protect it. See if we can raise another.

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